Tuesday, September 9, 2008

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Benjamin and Ryan join the FBI

These two crazy friends love to make believe! Benjamin is so lucky to have a nice Friend like Ryan next door. They do homework together, ride bikes, make potions, club houses, and play webkinz. Ryan gave BT a webkinz frog stuffed animal for his 7th birthday. Once you get the plush toy you register it on the internet and then become the "parent." You create a world for your pet complete with a house and all the things that go in it. one morning Markus teased Benjamin that his webkin was low on happiness. Benjamin ran to the computer to give it attention so frog's happiness would go up. It's sort of like practicing to be a dad.
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Primary Childrens Hospital

One of my dear friends and running partner for years, Jill Heaps, has a daughter named Emily who just endured a bone marrow transplant. Emily is 6 years old. Emily was a "bubble baby" born with almost no immune system. Her sister Jackie who is 12 donated her bone marrow and immunities to Emily. Emily is doing great and responding well to the transplant! Her brother Thomas hung out with us after school during the first few weeks and so one day after school we surprised Emily with a visit. They were so happy to see each other!
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Matthew the funniest kid in Utah!!

Matthew decided to join the contest at the state fair for the funniest kid in Utah. It took a lot of courage since he hadn't planed to join until we arrived. He had some lines memorized from Napoleon Dynamite which he spouted off. As you can tell by the picture, the contest was sponsored by the Greatest Show on Earth. We thought Matthew was the best!- Too bad the judges weren't as astute as we are.
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